#26: The Family That Saves Together, Stays Together
One thrifty mom was kind enough to share a bunch of her tips and tricks on the thread, and there are some invaluable pieces of advice in her comment. She outlined how she and her husband save money while raising several kids– and still enjoy their lives. Yes, it is possible! Some tips include reusing takeout food containers and Ziploc bags by washing them and packing school lunches in them. She also has taught her kids to utilize the library for movies, books, and games.
Another tip she swears by is only allowing her kids new toys and gifts on birthdays and holidays. This is a tough rule to implement, to be sure, but her kids have learned the value of getting a toy and understand how special it is. She isn’t out there spending a bunch of money on herself, either. She recommends having a capsule wardrobe with well-made, essential pieces in order to cut down on spending and fast fashion. All really great tips!