Sometimes, people get so wrapped up in the trees that they forget to look at the forest. You almost feel bad for them because you can tell a lot of work went into getting everything just right, but often, it’s so funny that you just can’t help but laugh. To show you what we mean, we collected small design mistakes that will have you giggling and some bigger ones that will have you wondering if maybe, just maybe, the universe did it on purpose. Either that or people were trying to be clever and missed the mark completely.
#1: It’s a Christmas Skunk
I’m sure there are other Pepe’s in this world, but the slightly camo background and rhinestone HoHo Pepe reminds me of Pepe Le Pew and Santa Clause. Unlike some of the items on this list, it’s pretty obvious this one is a homemade craft job that missed the mark for the overall message.
Even worse, it’s repetitive. They can probably use all the hope they can get that people will read this how it was meant to be and not as an ode to a smelly cartoon skunk for a thing with painted cats. Oh well, it’s in the eye of the beholder. Someone will love it the way it is.