The internet is such a vast place, it probably comes as no surprise there are facts out there that will surprise even the smartest people. But there are some facts that you may discover that are a bit embarrassing when you realize it took you so long to learn them. When this happens, they warrant a post on your social media, stating that you were “today years old” and what you just learned so that others can learn it too and be embarrassed right along with you. Whether it’s the name of famous characters, the origin of common sayings, or even random trivia you just didn’t know, keep reading to learn more about things that you should know by the time you are today years old.
Famous Paintings
When it comes to famous works of art, sometimes you have to decide what the painting is about because the artist is no longer around to explain it (or they might not want to explain). But this can also lead to a lot of embarrassment when the artist is still around, and you assume the context of a painting incorrectly.
A good example of this is the American Gothic, which most people assume is an image of a farmer and his wife. Doesn’t it change your perception a bit when you find out that it is actually a farmer and his daughter? Exactly, this painting just doesn’t look the same once you find out this fun fact.