Building a home is a complex process. Sometimes, only when the house is finished do you notice things that have been overlooked or gone wrong. By then, it’s too late! You might think contractors will have experience avoiding these mishaps and odd design choices, but things are bound to go wrong sometimes. If you’re living in these houses, this would be annoying and inconvenient, but for us as onlookers, it’s pretty entertaining. Here are some examples of questionable design choices that make you wonder what in the world these people were thinking.
#1: Don’t Worry, It’s Completely Natural
We all love our privacy when doing certain things, and it’s safe to say that answering the call of nature is near the top of the list—it probably is at the top of the list. In short, nobody wants to be gazed upon while using the toilet. That’s rather uncomfortable for the person looking and sitting on the toilet.

For that reason, we’d love to know why the designer of this house decided to make one of the most private activities in the house the least private one. We get that open floor plans are fashionable and give you a sense of space, but this is taking it a step too far.