We constantly learn different things throughout our lives without even realizing it. The saying, “You learn something new every day,” is actually very true… And whilst some people might focus on the more academic side of learning, there is no denying that everyone needs to have a certain level of understanding when it comes to general knowledge. But we have all had certain experiences with people that have made us realize that we aren’t all on the same page regarding “basic knowledge.” In an effort to understand what kind of basic knowledge people lack, a Reddit thread has come to save the day. If you’re worried that you’ve missed out on a few things over the years, we’ve compiled a list of basic things everyone should already know but probably don’t…
#1: Save Yourself
The older we get, the more we realize that the world is one big, scary place… And whilst many of us might live with other people and have people that constantly check in on us, many of us do not. Leaving us with a sinking feeling that we are one day going to leave this world alone without anyone knowing…
Well, why not learn how to help yourself in an emergency situation? We can’t always trust that someone else is going to be around in an emergency situation, and we need to b able to rely on ourselves. The Heimlich maneuver looks different when you perform it on yourself than on others. It might be time to learn the nifty trick that saves lives…