#47: The Wonders of Technology
We live in an age where we can do almost everything with a few clicks on our phones – order food, book a ride, and even buy concert tickets. But then, we’re hit with a curveball – the dreaded E-ticket that we’re required to print. It’s like using a typewriter in the age of computers – sure, it may work, but it’s a little bit ridiculous.

And let’s not forget about the practical implications – who has a printer these days, anyway? It’s like asking someone to bring a cassette player to a music festival. So, next time you’re confronted with the requirement to print an E-ticket, just remember – it’s not you, it’s them. Maybe it’s time for the event organizers to get with the times and join us in the 21st century. After all, who has the time or patience to deal with printing tickets these days?