Popcorn with a Mind of Its Own
Popcorn is always a fun snack. It’s salty, it’s buttery and it’s crunchy – what’s not to like? And, depending on how much butter you put on it, it’s not terribly unhealthy, compared to other snacks. It’s no surprise, then, that one of the most common snacks to make while we’re watching television is microwaved popcorn. And yet, it seems that there are always some leftover kernels that haunt us and may even land in our teeth (ouch!).

If you wait too long for every last kernel to pop, you also run the risk of burning your popcorn. It’s a guessing game that many of us lose on a regular basis. Well, this company has decided to help us out with that. After the popcorn is done popping, the packaging opens up into a ready-to-eat-from-bowl. Once it opens up, you know your popcorn is ready and, better yet, no need to grab a bowl.